"Fruit Loops" of Alternative Medicine!
It tastes like a crushed up yellow
"Fruit Loop"
(of the cereal fame). But this funny powder isn't
a breakfast food but a pro biotic bacteria, found
by a Japanese laboratory company to be potentially
effective in helping both men and women with their
concerns about yeast bacteria.
While most people think yeast
concerns are a "female" problem only, nothing
could be further from the truth. Yeast concerns
can start in the intestinal tract and from there
could cause concerns with the entire body.
This probiotic bacteria called "Threelac" in
its commercial form sort of does a bit of house
cleaning and can possibly help get everything in
order again. "Threelac"
has been sold commercially in Japan for several
years now.
is now available in the United States and a free
report is available to all by sending a request to
"Threelac", 834 South Union Street, Olean, New
York 14760
DISCLAIMER:The statements
contained in this site have not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These
products are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease. The statements
contained herein are for informational purposes
only, and are not meant to replace the services
or recommendations of a physician or qualified
health care practitioner. Those with health
problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are
specifically advised that they should consult
their physician before taking these or any
nutritional supplements.