Comparing the various anti-candida
yeast treatments, including Threelac
Obviously I'm going to come off
sounding biased because I've spent the last decade
offering a product called Threelac, but there's a
reason for that hopefully this article will sway
you to my way of thinking...
First off let me say, I've worked with over 50,000
candida yeast sufferers through
the years and over that time I'm gotten a lot of
feedback on what works including Threelac,
what doesn't work and what the candida yeast
sufferer can expect from most treatments.
In addition I ended up working with a lot of
people, simply because what they had
tried in the past didn't work. Even today
there are many "hocus-pocus" kinds of
things out there that are frankly useless.
Certainly the #1 treatment that most try at some
point is the infamous candida-diet. The
nitty-gritty of this diet is that you basically
starve the candida yeast by withholding
carbohydrates (sugars) from yourself, which in
turn cuts the food supply of the fungus.
On paper it makes some sense. In actuality
it's a tough nut to crack.
The problem is that it's darn difficult to #1 Find
appetizing food without carbohydrates #2 Stay on
this diet for more than a couple weeks. I
refer to it as
the "prison diet" because you're pretty much left
with bread & water and you're
forced to skip the bread (carbs).
The fact is this diet is so strict that most
simply fall by the wayside and give up. The
best solution is a modified-candida diet where you
simply cut back on your carbs (which probably
isn't a bad thing for most of us).
To me any treatment that can't be maintained for
at least a couple months is a
waste, just because getting a candidias problem
under control takes time. For
most of us getting the problem took weeks and
months and getting rid of the
problem will take the same.
So many of the folks I've worked with tried the
diet, gave up after a few days and
searched for an alternative method. The
second most popular method is a prescription
anti-fungal. Many do end up going to a
physician for their candida yeast problem.
Some of those folks get no satisfaction at all
because their doc considers them a crack-pot for
even thinking they have a candida problem.
The rest will get a prescription anti-fungal,
which on the surface makes some sense.
Candida yeast is a fungus and you want to rid of
that fungus.
There are two predominant issues with using a
prescription anti-fungal...
The first being the "cure" can be worse than the
problem. Here's how prescription
anti-fungals work... They're basically "weed
killers". Yep, they essentially poison the
fungus. And while that's good the fungus is
poisoned, it's bad because your internal organs
like your kidneys and liver do not do well with
this poison.
The result is a prescription anti-fungal treatment
can be very short-term because physicians do not
want to damage your other internal organs.
Keep in mind what I said before about candida
treatments needing to be long-term, just because
it takes quite a while to get your body back into
The bottom line is that using a prescription
anti-fungal for a couple weeks may not pack enough
oomph do to the job for you. The next
category I want to talk about are the natural
anti-fungals. These are guys like Oil of
Oregano, Garlic (Alicin), Olive Leaf Extract,
Coconut oil and others.
They're OK. As a matter of fact I often
suggest those as a low-level way to help get
candida yeast issues under wraps. These
all-natural products are not anywhere
near as strong as prescription anti-fungals, which
is both good and bad.
It's good in that they do not pose the same health
threat as do their prescription
cousins, but on the bad side they aren't nearly as
effective either. They're more
of complimentary product when embarking on an
anti-candida program.
Next are the probiotics– meaning the types of
supplements that contain live, friendly
bacteria. Now keep in mind that it is
friendly bacteria that normally keeps the candida
yeast fungus in check within our intestinal
tracts. However it's not ALL types of good
bacteria that can effectively do this, but only
certain strains– and that's the fly in the
ointment when it comes to using probiotics to help
with a candida yeast overgrowth...
You see, many of the strains of friendly flora
that you find in probiotics simply are not very
effective when it comes to fighting candida.
You can end up spending your hard-earned money on
some very expensive probiotics and not get a good
bang for your buck simply because it contains
strains that aren't as useful in this situation.
Many are too focused on the number of good
bacteria (colony forming units) found
within each capsule and ignore what exact strains
are being used– which is far
more important when you're suffering with
I've had many come to me after spending hundreds
if not thousands of dollars on
probiotics and hardly see any improvement at
all. It's not about taking any probiotic,
but taking the right probiotic like Threelac,
which I will explain soon on why that probiotic
should be on your short-list of candida yeast
relief products.
The final category I want to talk about are the
"enzymes". There are several of
these candida-relief related products on the
market... and I've gotta say, I've not seen a
shred of scientific proof that they're effective
for killing candida fungus.
Supposedly they "destroy" the outside wall of the
candida cell so it can't reproduce. I think
it's a good story, but like I say I've not found
one shred of scientific proof out there that
convinces me that this is a legit way to get
candida under control... unlike say Threelac that
has quite a bit of support.
OK, I've gone through all this and I've mentioned
Threelac a couple of times– why
is it more effective than the methods discussed up
-The first reason is as I stated before, we know
it's the presence of the certain strains of good
bacteria that eat the fungus and bring you relief.
-Threelac is safe to take long-term... weeks,
months... not a problem. It's not going to
pose a safety problem for your internal organs.
-Threelac was formulated by a laboratory in Japan
in the mid-1990s. Originally it
was created as a product to help lower the pH
within the body, but soon it was
found to be very effective for those that suffered
with a candida yeast problem.
Threelac was introduced in the US in the summer
of 2002 and has since helped over a million people
find relief.
To learn more about Threelac simply click
on this link
DISCLAIMER:The statements
contained in this site have not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These
products are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent any disease. The statements
contained herein are for informational purposes
only, and are not meant to replace the services
or recommendations of a physician or qualified
health care practitioner. Those with health
problems, or who are pregnant or nursing, are
specifically advised that they should consult
their physician before taking these or any
nutritional supplements.